Barbara L. Atwell

  • Associate Professor of Law
  • Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Assistant: Taylor Quinn
Preston Hall 201-207
(914) 422-4194


BA, Smith College
JD, Columbia University School of Law

For media inquiries, contact:

Rachael Silva
Assistant Dean for External Affairs
(914) 422-4354

Professor Barbara Atwell is a health law teacher and scholar.  In addition, she has served as Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion since 2009.   Professor Atwell was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar and an editor of the Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems while a student at Columbia Law School.   From there, she clerked for Judge Nathaniel R. Jones of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.    Professor  Atwell subsequently joined the law firm of  Arnold & Porter in Washington, D.C. as an associate.   Her areas of practice there included communications and civil rights.   She helped draft and edit Cable Franchising and Regulation: A Local Government Guide to the New Law.    Professor Atwell has served on the Board of Directors of Practicing Attorneys for Law Students (PALS).  She also served on the Board of the Nyack Housing Authority and Share Hope.  She has also authored various law review articles.




From Public Health to Public Wealth – The Case for Economic Justice, 108 Ky. L. J. 387 (2019-20).

Rethinking the Childhood-Adult Divide: Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Emerging Adults, 25 Alb. L. J. Sci. & Tech. 1 (2015).

"Is Sugar the New Tobacco?—How to Regulate Toxic Foods," 22 Annals of Health Law 138 (2013).

"Nature and Nurture: Revisiting the Infant Adoption Process," 201 Wm. & Mary J. Women & L. 201 (2012).

"Jurists for Jesus," 1 Widener Journal of Economics and Race (2010).

"The Jurisprudence of Love," 85 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 495 (2008).

"Obesity, Public Health and the Food Supply," 4 Indiana Health Law Review 1 (2007).

"The Modern Age of Informed Consent," 40 University of Richmond Law Review 591 (2006).

"Mainstreaming Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the Face of Uncertainty," 72 U.M.K.C. Law Rev. 593 (2004).

"A Lost Generation: the Battle for Private Enforcement of the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980," 60 University of Cincinnati Law Review 593 (1992).

"Products Liability and Preemption: A Judicial Framework," 39 Buffalo Law Review 181 (winter 1991).

"Surrogacy and Adoption: A Case of Incompatibility," 20 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 1 (1988).